eauty Industry Approval (BIA) offer teacher training
and accreditation for the hair & beauty industry, we offer
everything you need to become a fully qualified &
accredited trainer in the private training sector.
Students are looking for peace of mind and teacher
training & accreditation can help with this.
It shows potential students your materials are of a set
standard and that your qualifications have been verified.
BIA was started by passionate people looking to keep the
industry standards high and focusing on specialising in
all areas of hair and beauty.
We welcome you to join us and help make the industry a
safe, respected and recognised profession of choice.
Beauty Industry Approval works alongside Work for Good
whose mission is to help charities raise funds from
purpose driven small businesses. From our online Mental
Health Awareness Course, we have currently raised over
£8,000 for multiple mental health charities and will
continue to do so to help end the mental health stigma.
This course is only £20 excluding VAT, the £20 fee will be
donated to charity. The current mental health charity we
are donating to is Young Minds through Work For Good.
Email: info@beautyindustryapproval.com
Web: www.beautyindustryapproval.com